

Going to the store for groceries can pose challenges or may simply be inconvenient for someone who is blind or partially sighted. We will learn about a grocery delivery application for iPhone and Android devices called Instacart. The app allows you to build a grocery list, and provides a seamless, interactive experience from the time the shopper begins purchasing your items until the time your groceries are delivered to your door. The app will be demonstrated during the session.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 6 PM - 7:30 PM EST


AppleVis is a community-powered website for blind and low vision users of Apple products.


Posted 326 weeks ago

Making Train Travel Easier For Wheelchair Users

For wheelchair users travel can be time consuming and frustrating. Transreport – smart apps that allow you, the passenger, to have control of any accessibility issues affecting your journey experience. Video avalible here.


Posted 355 weeks ago

New App Will Serve As 'TripAdvisor' For People With Disabilities

After booking a "wheelchair accessible" hotel that ended up having stairs, a software engineer and wheelchair user in Ireland is developing an app called AccessEarth that allows people with mobility disabilities to rate restaurants, hotels and tourist attractions around the world based on how accessible they are.


Posted 357 weeks ago

BeSpecular App

App Here

Posted 378 weeks ago


AccessLint is super easy to install, and there's no setup. Pick which projects you want reviewed, and AccessLint kicks into action. The next time you open a Pull Request, AccessLint reviews it for issues and adds comments to the code.


Posted 378 weeks ago

10 Mobile Apps for individuals suffering from Autism 2017 Edition

Are your loved ones suffering from Autism? Are you looking for mobile apps that may help your loved one with autism? Well, you came to the right place. 


Posted 380 weeks ago

13 Best Mobile Apps for Individuals with ADD/ADHD 2017 Edition

Is your Love one Suffering from ADD/ADHD this video will help them! 

Tag your friends and suggest them How much you care.


Posted 380 weeks ago

14 Assistive Technologies for Individuals with Learning Disability

Check out our latest article on Assistive Technology for individuals with learning Disability (2017 Edition), We feature top 14 technologies that would be helpful for your loved one.

Like and share with your friends!


Posted 380 weeks ago

Mobile Applications for Children with a Disability

There are many new devices out there to make life easier and save time for parents. Here are some of Android,iOS and Web Application useful for Children's with a Disability .

Posted 381 weeks ago


Turn your own mobile device into a customized hearing device.


Posted 382 weeks ago


Tecla allows people who have limited upper-body mobility to easily access their iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android smartphone, tablet and smart home systems using assistive switches.


Posted 382 weeks ago

BrightGuide Inc.

Posted 382 weeks ago


The solution the team came up with, in collaboration with youth and adults with developmental disabilities, as well as families and staff, is MiChecker, the digital pet that turns routines into games for children and youth with developmental disabilities!

Posted 382 weeks ago


AccessNow is all about sharing accessibility information around the world. Our goal is to map as many places as we possibly can, and we invite you to help us! A worldwide community, passionate about change, together we can empower each other to have access now.


Posted 383 weeks ago


fuelService < https://fuelservice.org/en/ >Helping disabled drivers find and get assistance refueling their cars.

Windows Phone Store < http://windowsphone.com/s?appId=d7739db8-4059-4c16-b98c-fe6bd6bd44c8 >

Google Play < https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.fuelservice.app > 

App Store < http://appstore.com/fuelservice > 

Posted 385 weeks ago
Paracor Maps