John Szczygiel
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As Founder of the Paracor, loves to volunteer, kayak and ski, build solutions for persons with disabilities and host events.

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John Szczygiel

Lakeland centre trying to fight the ‘invisible disability’

FASD is known as a "invisible disability" because unlike many other disorders, few people have any distinct physical features; the challenges are brain based.


Posted 425 weeks ago

Calgary woman finding her inner warrior and inspiring others to find theirs

A Calgary woman shares the one rule that taught her how to overcome the obstacles her #disability has thrown her way.


Posted 425 weeks ago

Veteran launches proposed class-action lawsuit over disability benefit formula

A former member of the Canadian Forces is suing the federal government, alleging the formula used to calculate long-term disability payments only takes into account a portion of what he was earning when he was medically discharged.


Posted 425 weeks ago

Meet Maurice Rollins, the 91-year-old breaking down mental health barriers

Throughout his life, Rollins remained vocal about his personal struggle with Mental Health. He’s since become a philanthropist and donates to mental health causes.


Posted 425 weeks ago

Tax-free Registered Disability Savings Plan can be a difference-maker for Canadians with disabilities

With up to $70,000 available in government grants matching your contributions, and an additional lifetime bond of up to $20,000 for lower-income households, the RDSP can make a huge financial difference for individuals with disabilities.


Posted 425 weeks ago

Experimental drug stops Parkinson's disease progression in mice

Johns Hopkins researchers say they have developed an experimental drug, similar to compounds used to treat diabetes, that slows the progression of Parkinson's disease itself -- as well as its symptoms -- in mice.

In experiments performed with cultures of human Brain Cells and live mouse models, they report the drug blocked the degradation of brain cells that is the hallmark of Parkinson's disease.

The drug is expected to move to clinical trials this year.


Posted 425 weeks ago

Mental health issues linked to risky driving in newly licensed teens

Mental Health symptoms related to attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder are associated with increased errors in a driving simulator and self-reported risky driving behaviors in adolescents, according to study in Nursing Research, published by Wolters Kluwer.


Posted 425 weeks ago
As Founder of the Paracor, loves to volunteer, kayak and ski, build solutions for persons with disabilities and host events.

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