Jack.org Carleton is part of a national network of students working to change the way we think about mental health. We work within our school to shift negative attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours around mental health, so we can create a safer, more supportive community
TheoryOfLove - a project started by Carleton student Daniel P. to increase conversation surrounding mental health - & Jack.org Carleton University Chapter, along with support from the CUSA Womyn's Centre are proud to collaboratively present 'Respecting Gender,' a TheoryOfLove Mental Heath Community Discussion Session, on April 3, 2018 at 8:30pm, at Rooster's (4th floor University Centre at Carleton University, held respectfully (as respectfully as possible, given the circumstances) on unseeded Algonquin territory.
Come one come all!
Community Discussion Sessions are based on transparency and expression of the vulnerabilities which we all face, but don't often feel comfortable expressing. In this Community Discussion Session, come embrace your vulnerability, and the collective vulnerability of your peers, in the discussion of how mental health infiltrates the challenge of gender and formulation of our gender-identity.
Suggest questions and topics for discussion by making your contribution to this Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sQIyuOD3bXp_BMc7MABOf-hfTz0vGwSKJsYT33AVlQo/edit?usp=sharing.
If you have any inquiries please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected].
We hope to see see you on April 3rd!
Jack.org Carleton is part of a national network of students working to change the way we think about mental health. We work within our school to shift negative attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours around mental health, so we can create a safer, more supportive community