Tics, Tourettes & Anxiety in post C_vid world: Counselling/Psychotherapy
Tics, Tourettes & Anxiety in post C_vid world: Counselling/Psychotherapy
Monday, August 2, 2021 at 2 PM - 3 PM EDT

During the last few years knowledge about cellular health, inflammation and the presentation of anxiety in children has provided us with a broad spectrum of information.

A new emerging diagnosis of PANS/Pandas may have been something you have heard about? Perhaps your clients present with symptoms like Tics, Tourettes, Anxiety and more and you would like to find out more about this topic?

Of course we are not here to label children, however the overlap between autoimmune disorders and mental health cannot be ignored so come and join us as we explain and chat about this knowledge from a Functional Health and Medicne sector that overlaps into Psychotherapy/Counselling.

CV-19 has, and will continue to have an impact on the physical health of our clients and some may develop an autoimmune issue because of this, some may already have deep rooted trauma and the presentation of this biologically can result in autoimmune issues.

Graham Music, Catherine Knibbs and Marnie Clayton bring a conversation not to be missed with levels of expertise and practice in these spheres as well as having a dialogue to consider the issues we may need to look out for over the coming months and years.
