Psychological First Aid for a Pandemic
Psychological First Aid for a Pandemic
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 12 PM - 2 PM EDT

This training is offered by the Mental Health Promotion and Illness Prevention Team (Provincial Addiction and Mental Health) at Alberta Health Services.


What is PFA?

  • PFA is an internationally recognized method of support intended to help people immediately after a disaster or emergency.
  • PFA trained providers give practical support to those affected in a way that respects the person's dignity, culture, and abilities.
  • PFA can be provided by community members, first responders, and professionals. PFA is not the same as professional mental health treatment (e.g., therapy or counselling).
  • During a disaster or emergency, PFA trained providers are able to provide information and resources, listen to people's concerns, ensure their basic needs are met, and link them with appropriate resources, as needed.
  • PFA Virtual Training allows responders to provide support online and over the phone to individuals that may be quarantined, in self-isolation, or practicing physical distancing in order to prevent the spread of a pandemic.


Course Objectives - Participants will:

  • Understand the timing of interventions for disasters and emergencies, based on the stepped-care model and the use of psychosocial support;
  • Describe the 4 key principles of Psychological First Aid and apply to a case scenario;
  • Identify and provide strengths-based practical support;
  • Identify people who are experiencing stress and explore strategies to help stabilize intense emotions and stress reactions;
  • Understand when to refer people to appropriate community based services and supports;
  • Explore self-care strategies for disaster/pandemic response.


Additional Information

Virtual training is done in real-time, with opportunities for audience participation. Audio required. Headset with microphone is recommended. Training is delivered using Zoom - a meeting invitation will be emailed a few days prior to the session to the email you used to register. You will also receive the following workshop materials: participant workbook, PowerPoint Presentation slide handouts, and resources list.


For more courses, visit our online course listing.
