PD Virtual Art Show
PD Virtual Art Show
Friday, December 10, 2021 at 7 PM - 8:30 PM EST

Last year's virtual art show was such a hit, we will do it again this year. Our wellness programs have included hobbies, gardening, singing, and creative writing. We know that creativity in all its expressions improves wellbeing. This program will feature visual arts. We are looking forward to continuing with music and creativity programs in 2022.

Let's make it a special night and take a tour through our virtual art show highlighting local artists who are living with Parkinson's. These artists are gathering to share their work with us! Invite your friends, celebrate and visit with some artists in our PD community.

Check-in for more details and featured artists. This is a Zoom event. Once registered, you will receive a reminder email with the Zoom information.
