>   Hong Kong
Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Social for the Deaf (HKSD)

Mission, provide the best quality and professional service to meet the needs of the hearing-impaired, hearing impaired focus of rehabilitation services and protection of its interests, to establish the strongest hearing impaired service team and with limited resources to provide the most cost-effective service

HKSB Bradbury Care & Attention Home for the Aged Blind

To provide services to help maximize the capabilities of the visually impaired, facilitate their equal participation in society and improve their quality of life with a view to achieving a harmonious and inclusive society.

HKSD Bradbury Special Child Care Centre

Mission, provide the best quality and professional service to meet the needs of the hearing-impaired, hearing impaired focus of rehabilitation services and protection of its interests, to establish the strongest hearing impaired service team and with limited resources to provide the most cost-effective service

HKSB Factory for the Blind

To provide services to help maximize the capabilities of the visually impaired, facilitate their equal participation in society and improve their quality of life with a view to achieving a harmonious and inclusive society.


To assist persons in Hong Kong who are physically and mentally challenged due to neurological impairment. To initiate, develop and maintain services for their education and welfare using a holistic approach. To enable persons with disabilities to realise their full potential, maximize their independence and self-reliance, and become participating members of the society.

HKSD Kowloon Centre

Mission, provide the best quality and professional service to meet the needs of the hearing-impaired, hearing impaired focus of rehabilitation services and protection of its interests, to establish the strongest hearing impaired service team and with limited resources to provide the most cost-effective service

HKSB Family Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired

The Centre aims to foster a holistic development of the visually impaired students through different individual and group activities, to cultivate good parent-child relationship between sighted parents and their visually impaired children, and to build up supportive network and mutual help among parents to care for and promote the rights of the visually impaired.

The Hong Kong Society for the Blind (HKSB)

To provide services to help maximize the capabilities of the visually impaired, facilitate their equal participation in society and improve their quality of life with a view to achieving a harmonious and inclusive society.

Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service Ltd

Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service was founded by volunteers in 1997. While Hong Kong is a rich and well-developed city, there are still many people who have not been sheltered by the existing welfare system. The wheelchair community, many of them are disabled or Elderly, we our are are delivered at an affordable price. We are a comprehensive range of services including on-site wheelchair repairing, household wheelchair accessories and case referral. Considering their financial constraints, our services are delivered at an affordable price.

HKSD Jockey Club Hong Kong Centre

Mission, provide the best quality and professional service to meet the needs of the hearing-impaired, hearing impaired focus of rehabilitation services and protection of its interests, to establish the strongest hearing impaired service team and with limited resources to provide the most cost-effective service

SAHK Account Department

To assist persons in Hong Kong who are physically and mentally challenged due to neurological impairment. To initiate, develop and maintain services for their education and welfare using a holistic approach. To enable persons with disabilities to realise their full potential, maximize their independence and self-reliance, and become participating members of the society.

Hong Kong Blind Union (HKBU) Services Centre

Hong Kong Blind Union was established in 1964. It is the first self-help group organized and managed by people with visual impairment. It aims at promoting the spirit of self-help and mutual-help as well as striving for equality, opportunities and independence for visually impaired persons.

香港女障協進會 / Association for Women with Disabilities Hong Kong (AWDHK)


香 港 女 障 協 進 會 ( 簡 稱“女 障”) , 為 中 國 首 個 關 注 殘 疾 婦 女 權 益 的 自 助 組 織 。 女 障 於 2000 年 3 月 8 日 成 立 , 並 於 2004 年 正 式 註 冊 為 非 牟 利 慈 善 團 體 。 本 會 成 立 的 目 的 是 希 望 爭 取 及 維 護 殘 疾 婦 女 在 社 會 上 的 地 位 , 提 高 殘 疾 婦 女 的 生 活 質 素 , 以 達 致 『 助 人 自 助 、 共 建 社 群 』 的 宗 旨 。


1. 爭 取 殘 疾 婦 女 在 社 會 上 的 均 等 機 會 及 應 有 權 益 ;
2. 倡 導 殘 疾 婦 女 獨 立 自 主 ;
3. 聯 絡 不 同 類 別 的 殘 疾 婦 女 , 建 立 支 援 網 絡 ; 及
4. 促 進 國 際 殘 疾 婦 女 交 流 及 聯 繫 。

Association of Women with Disabilities Hong Kong

Association of Women with Disabilities Hong Kong (AWDHK) is a self-help society, which runs by and for women with disabilities in Hong Kong. The Association was founded on 8th March 2000 and registered as a charitable organization since 2004. The aim of AWDHK is to co-ordinate all categories of women with disabilities to strive for 'Help those who help themselves. Advocate community building for all'.


1. To strive for the equal rights and opportunities of women with disabilities;
2. To advocate independent living of women with disabilities;
3. To coordinate women with different types of disabilities and their allies for networking; and
4. To liaise and cooperate with organizations overseas for the betterment of women with disabilities regionally and internationally.

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