>   Amsterdam
Cordaan Odensehuis Amsterdam West

Odensehuis Amsterdam West is a walk-in, meeting and information center for people with memory problems and their family and friends circle in Amsterdam West and the surrounding area. The Odense home gives people with memory problems and their neighbors a place and a voice. The house is inspired by an entrance hall in the Danish city of Odense.

Cordaan Dagcentrum Kadoelerbreek

Kadoelerbreek is a day center for the elderly with physical complaints or mild psychiatric problems living at home. Here you can participate in cozy and relaxing activities every day. Being among the people during the day helps you live independently at home.

Cordaan Ketelmakerij

The Ketelmakerij is a modern building in Amsterdam North, there are ten bright apartments where you can live independently with guidance in the neighborhood. You can live here if you are 18 years of age or older.

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg Hoofddorpplein / Schinkelbuurt

We are a team of enthusiastic district nurses and caregivers and will be happy to assist you with the care and assistance you need. 

Amsta Van 't Hofflaan

Watergraafsmeer is our location van't Hoff Avenue, newly completed in 2015. Here live 66 elderly people with dementia living in small groups of six. The site is built and furnished according to the latest findings in the field of dementia care, making it a home as comfortable as possible for the residents.

Cordaan Mulderplein

The Mulderplein is a modern residence in Amsterdam East, in the middle of a cozy and lively area. You can live here if you are over 18 years old.

Cordaan Logeerhuis Dunya

Almost all children like to go to bed. For children with a moderate or severe mental disability this is often less easy than for children without limitation. Are you looking for a place where your child can live with pleasure? Even though you may find it difficult to pass your child's care to another? Dunya is a nice, safe place to stay with trusted guides. Dunya is open every weekend. During the summer period, the lodge is open one week for holiday.

Cordaan TransTech Amsterdam

TransTech is a workshop for people who like to work with boats or cars. You barely old boats on, small boats and cars or carry boats over water.

Amsta Vrolikhuizen

Middle East in Amsterdam, within walking distance of Oosterpark, location Vrolikhuizen is located. Here 12 elderly people live with a combination of social, psychiatric and somatic care issues in two group homes.

Cordaan Nieuw Vredenburgh

On the edge of the Rembrandt Park, in a lively, colorful neighborhood is the new care center Nieuw Vredenburgh. New Vredenburgh has 1-room apartments for the elderly, and a special section for the elderly with mental disabilities. There is also a space for day-care for the elderly with mental disabilities.

Cordaan Outsider Art Galerie / Ateliers / Artotheek

The artists of the Outsider Art Gallery are often a bit different. Sometimes they have a mental or psychological impairment. They are not busy with commercial goals and do not reflect on existing artistic trends.

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg Oud Oost

We are a team of enthusiastic district nurses and caregivers and will be happy to assist you with the care and assistance you need. 

Cordaan Kadoelerbreek Wonen - ouderen met een verstandelijke beperking

Kadoelerbreek is a modern, small residential area in a quiet area for the elderly with mental disabilities. In four small groups, we provide intensive care, including clients with onset dementia.

Raeger Noord ( Alpha )

Within our center, children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASS) or a suspicion on this basis are treated and supervised on a daily basis. 

Amsta Flesseman

In the cozy Nieuwmarktbuurt you will find the center of Elders Flesseman. Flesseman and Nieuwmarktbuurt have been an inseparable duo. Humor, fun, commitment to each other and to the neighborhood. 

Cordaan Textielatelier de Draad (Noord)

Do you like to make bags, aprons or book covers? In the textile studio in Amsterdam North you work creatively with textile paint, fabric and wire.

Altra Jeugd & opvoedhulp Amsterdam Oost

Altra is a major institution for special education and youth and education in Amsterdam and surrounding areas.

Cordaan Jan Luijkenstraat

The Jan Luijkenstraat is a tall townhouse in South with four floors and seventeen beautiful and spacious rooms. It is a warm and cozy house. You can live here if you are over 18 years old.

Cordaan Koningsvrouwen van Landlust

Koningvrouwen van Landlust consists of 27 apartments in Bos en Lommer, these apartments are located in various buildings close by. You live between tenants of a housing corporation in your own apartment.


Cordane is there for anyone who needs care, support or guidance. For elderly people with dementia or physical disabilities, for children and adults with mental disabilities and for people with mental health problems. Origin, religion, age or restriction do not matter; Those differences give Cordan the correct color.

Cordaan De Vierde Verdieping

At the Fourth Floor, young adults who need extra help can temporarily live with intensive guidance. Help to solve problems with work, living or money for example. Or problems by contact with the police, an addiction, with a partner or family. You can live for a week to a year. During this time, we help you to properly manage your work, finance and living situation. Hereafter you can live independently (assisted).

Cordaan De Die

The Die is named after two waters that flow through Amsterdam North: The Great Die and The Small Die. In The Die you can live, participate in the activities and use our facilities. Living in De Die means living in a safe environment with help wherever you need it. 

Cordaan Stadionbuurt

Our residents are independent, share their own day and cook themselves. Most of the times they have social contacts, but are also happy to themselves. They put in contact with the guidance if they need it.


Actenz is part of GGZ inGeest and focuses on increasing the social and social participation of patients. We do this through guidance and activities in the fields of work, education, sport and movement, social contacts and leisure activities. Actenz offers in particular support in society,

Altra College Arkin

Altra College Arkin provides a safe environment where you are central. We provide special secondary education. Altra College Arkin is a link to regular education, another school for special education or to the labor market. A good relationship between school, care and the home situation of our students is indispensable.


PuntP addresses adults with single and multiple psychological and psychiatric problems in a direct and clear way. We also work to prevent psychological problems. 

Amsta De Poort

The port is a welcoming home for the elderly since 1969 who need (medical) care. The port is in the middle of the city, on the waterfront of the Grotius Quay and walking distance to the Jordaan, Westerpark and cozy Ten Kate Market. From all floors there is a panoramic view over Amsterdam. On the ground floor between the reception and the restaurant at the gate, "a meeting place for residents.

PI-School Professor Waterink Zuid

PI School Professor Waterink South is in the building of the MOC 't Kabouterhuis. This is an institution for special needs child support for children up to 7 years. The professors of Professor Waterink South work closely with the MOC 't Kabouterhuis practitioners.

GGZ inGeest Van Hilligaertstraat

Every human being is unique. The approach to recovery, too. With that knowledge, GGZ offers inGeest specialized psychiatric care. To young people, adults and the elderly. With an eye for their personal situation and close surroundings. Adapted to body and spirit and according to the latest scientific insights. 

Altra College Noord

We are a special, small school in Amsterdam North. Our students need extra guidance in order to perform well. Altra College offers that extra attention. Everyone has talents. Recognizing and developing these talents, that's what it's all about. Together with students and parents, we are looking at ways we can eliminate obstacles, which hinder this development. There we work on day to day. So that every student can see with confidence the future.

Cordaan d'Oude Raai

On site d'Oude Raai there are 94 apartments, of which 74 are two-room apartments and 20 one-room apartments. Living in living and care center d'Oude Raai means living in an apartment with the help you need. 

Cordaan De Dokken

Day Center De Dokken is located in a quiet green area near De Werf residential center. Here, people with mental disabilities who live in the neighborhood can participate in activities.

Amsta Vondelstede

Visitors entering it feels right: nursing home Vondel Stede is no ordinary care. Security with quirky, somewhat artistic tendencies, which Vondel Stede.

Cordaan Wagenaarstraat

In the Wagenaarstraat in the Dapperbuurt there is a house for young women with mild mental disabilities who are pregnant or just have a child. You will receive guidance during pregnancy and in the preparation for childbirth. After childbirth you will learn everything about your child's upbringing and care.

Amsta Ontmoetingscentrum De Keyzer

Ontmoetingscentrum De Keyzer is for seniors and caregivers who need support to live independently as long as possible. 

Cordaan Borgerstraat

De Borgerstraat is a flat in the Kinkerbuurt in Amsterdam West. The building has five floors and there are twelve apartments and a nice little courtyard garden. Most residents In the Borgerstraat are over 55 years old.

Near the Borgerstraat, Cordaan has 5 independent houses. Here you can live with the help of a personal supervisor who will come along with you by appointment.

Cordaan De Boeg

Between the Erasmusgracht and the lively Bos & Lommerplein, in a multicultural district, is De Boeg residential care center. In De Boeg you can live, participate in the activities and use our facilities.

Cordaan Dierendok

Do you want to mow huts, care for animals or sell eggs? At 't Dierendok in Amsterdam North you are responsible for the animals.

GGZ inGeest Overschiestraat

Every human being is unique. The approach to recovery, too. With that knowledge, GGZ offers inGeest specialized psychiatric care. To young people, adults and the elderly. With an eye for their personal situation and close surroundings. Adapted to body and spirit and according to the latest scientific insights. 

Amsta Schinkelhoek

On the waterfront of the Schinkel in Amsterdam South is the location Schinkelshoek for adolescents and young adults with intellectual disabilities in varying degrees.

Voorzet Vestiging Amsterdam - Behandeling

We support people with an autism spectrum disorder in all areas of life, in improving their overall functioning.

PuntP Noord

PuntP addresses adults with single and multiple psychological and psychiatric problems in a direct and clear way. We also work to prevent psychological problems. 

CareHouse Work It Out Amsterdam

CareHouse offers development-oriented guidance (for developmentald impairments) with its subsidiaries Kids at Home (Children) and Work it Out (young people and young adolescents). 

Cordaan Oosterparkstraat

The 3rd Oosterparkstraat has 16 beautiful apartments and the 2nd Oosterparkstraat has 6 in a beautiful old building. Here you can live if you can live independently in the neighborhood.

Arkin Amsterdam Noord

Arkin Youth and Family is a center for child and adolescent psychiatry and addiction with locations in Amsterdam.

Amsta De Keyzer

The Czar Peter Area in Amsterdam Center East is building De Keyzer. In this location are six residential groups of six people established. Live demented elderly people but also people with medical care. Besides the living areas are in De Keyzer also eight apartments.

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg Slotermeer Zuid

We are a team of enthusiastic district nurses and caregivers and will be happy to assist you with the care and assistance you need. 

Cordaan Clubhuis Noord

The Clubhouse focuses on adults with psychiatric or psychosocial issues. In the Clubhouse, someone who is struggling with psychological problems is first seen as a valuable participant, colleague and someone who can contribute something valuable to the rest of the group. Every person is an important link in the work done within the clubhouse.

Cordaan Saskia van Uijlenburgkade

The Saskia of Uijlenburgkade offers small-scale care in a homely and recognizable environment for people with dementia.

Cordaan Ottho Heldringstraat

At Staalmanplein is one of our small-scale residential areas, combined with rented homes for the elderly. We have living groups for the elderly with dementia, with non-congenital brain injury (NAH) and with chronic diseases requiring intensive care. On the ground floor you will find a GP practice, a practice for physical therapy and a pharmacy.

Cordaan Houtwerkplaats Amsterdam

Do you want to make garden furniture, planks and beams or screws and lumber? You can get started in the big woodwork in Amsterdam-Noord.

Amsta De Fagel

Right in the Amsterdam Staatsliedenbuurt you find the Fagel. A location where 24 elderly people living with dementia and care provided to their needs. Each resident will maximize the space and freedom to be themselves.

Cordaan De Rank

Day Center The Rank is located in a quiet neighborhood in Amsterdam-Noord. The Rank is a spacious building with a bright, spacious hall where people do activities in groups. The Rank specializes in the guidance and care of people with a very serious mental disability (ZEVB).

Autisme Info Centrum Amsterdam (AIC)

Autism Information Center Amsterdam is an accessible meeting and information center. You can go there for a listening ear and information.

UvA minds

UvA minds offers specialized mental health care (SGGZ) to children, adolescents and adolescents (and their parents) with psychological problems. We offer treatment (and diagnostics) for fear, tics, trauma, coercion, depression, ADHD, autism, sleep problems and selective mutism in the form of individual treatment, group treatment, parenting and parenting.

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg Centrum Oost

We are a team of enthusiastic district nurses and caregivers and will be happy to assist you with the care and assistance you need. 

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg Nieuwendam Noord / Waterland

We are a team of enthusiastic district nurses and caregivers and will be happy to assist you with the care and assistance you need. 

De Latei

Interesting Association de Latei offers support for setting up living facilities for people with disabilities

Cordaan Spreeuwenpark

The Spreeuwenpark is a spacious and light building in Amsterdam North, in a cozy and multicultural area. There are twelve apartments. You can live here if you are over 30 years old and have work or daycare.

Amsta Mozaïekhofje

In the center of Amsterdam at the Nieuwmarkt you will find the Mosaic almshouses. This location offers a small, familiar and safe environment for the elderly with dementia. 

Cordaan Dusartstraat

The Dusartstraat is a large and tall house in the middle of the Amsterdam Pipe. It has five floors and fourteen apartments. There is a small garden and a meeting point with shared spaces.

Cordaan Zorgwinkel A.J. Ernststraat

Cordaan's care stores are run by Vegro. This allows you to choose from a wide range of products. You will receive personal advice on care, rehabilitation and mobility tools.

Cordaan Gerrie Knetemannlaan

In the Gerrie Knetemannlaan in Bos en Lommer is a modern 11-storey apartment with small living groups for elderly people with dementia, mental retardation and people with psychiatric or psychosocial problems. There are also individual apartments with remote guidance. People with mental disabilities can work in the Gerrie Knetemann Avenue, or participate in activities in the day-care group on the ground floor.

Cordaan Polderwegflat

On the edge of the cozy Transvaalbuurt lies the Polderwegflat. The flat has recently been refurbished with a new glass front and has a spacious view of the area. Between tenants of the housing corporation, 16 apartments are available for people who can live independently in the district.

Cordaan De Riekerhof

The Riekerhof has 81 wheelchair accessible two-room apartments of 53m2 each. Each apartment has a spacious living room, a separate bedroom, private bathroom and toilet. You have a kitchen where you can prepare your own meal.

Amsta Buiten Oranjestraat

The location outside Orange Street is located in Amsterdam's Jordaan district, in a side street of the Haarlemmerdijk. The location offers accommodation in two groups of four clients. In Outside Oranjestraat live youth and young adults with mild to moderate intellectual disability. The guidance is aimed at promoting independence and social skills training. 

Cordaan Statenjachtstraat

The Statenjachtstraat is a location in North where you can live in one of our residential areas. Guided tours are available 24 hours a day. In the immediate vicinity of the Statenjachtstraat there are two residential areas and three separate apartments. If you live here you will receive guidance from the Statenjachtstraat.

Cordaan Marcantilaan

The Marcantilaan is located in the Westerpark neighborhood, by the water. Here are ten apartments and two small residential groups of Cordaan. Most rooms overlook the water. Below is a walk-in center where residents of the area are welcome too. 

Amsta Polderweg

Amsta Karaad location Polderweg offers live with guidance and support to adults with mild intellectual disability and any additional psychiatric or addiction problems.

Altra Jeugd & opvoedhulp Amsterdam Noord

Altra is a major institution for special education and youth and education in Amsterdam and surrounding areas.

Stichting ALEH Israël (ANBI)

Over 700 children with intellectual and developmental disabilities and medical conditions receive advanced medical, educational and rehabilitative care in ALEH’s four residential facilities. In addition, ALEH provides over 26,000 outpatient treatments annually.

At ALEH, we look beyond the disability to the child within. By nurturing development and enriching quality of life, we enable each child to reach their potential.

CareHouse Kids at Home Amsterdam Noord

CareHouse offers development-oriented guidance (for developmentald impairments) with its subsidiaries Kids at Home (Children) and Work it Out (young people and young adolescents). 

Altra College Centrum

Altra College Center is a special, small school in city center. Our students are working hard to achieve a mavodiploma. Everyone has talents. Recognizing and developing these talents, that's what it's all about. Together with students and parents, we are looking at ways we can eliminate obstacles, which hinder this development. There we work on day to day. So that every student can meet the future with confidence again.

De Bascule

The Bascule is an academic center. We provide psychiatric care to children, young people and families in the Netherlands. 

Cordaan Zorgwinkel Jan Tooropstraat

Cordaan's care stores are run by Vegro. This allows you to choose from a wide range of products. You will receive personal advice on care, rehabilitation and mobility tools.

Cordaan Mandarijnenstraat

The Mandarijnenstraat is a modern and new residential area in Tuindorp Oostzaan, a beautiful building where the apartments are built around an inner courtyard. You can live in the Mandarijnenstraat if you are over 18 years old and if you are self-sufficient and able to take care of yourself.

GGZ inGeest A.J. Ernststraat

Every human being is unique. The approach to recovery, too. With that knowledge, GGZ offers inGeest specialized psychiatric care. To young people, adults and the elderly. With an eye for their personal situation and close surroundings. Adapted to body and spirit and according to the latest scientific insights. 

Amsta De Werf

The Wharf offers a customized solution for a variety of health needs. Starting from a basic package with home help and meals, care can be extended as desired. To intensive care for residents with psychogeriatric problems.

Cordaan Berkenstede

Berkenstede is a modern housing, care and service center at the Weesperrevaart in Diemen-Zuid.

PI-school Professor Waterink Noord

The PI School Professor Waterink Noord is a pedagogical institute. This is a school for special education for children with complex learning, behavioral or emotional problems. The school belongs to the Bascule.

Cordaan Zorgwinkel Commelinstraat (in De Gooyer)

Cordaan's care stores are run by Vegro. This allows you to choose from a wide range of products. You will receive personal advice on care, rehabilitation and mobility tools.

Cordaan Zorgwinkel Bilderdijkstraat

Cordaan's care stores are run by Vegro. This allows you to choose from a wide range of products. You will receive personal advice on care, rehabilitation and mobility tools.

Cordaan De Boei

Day center for people with intellectual disabilities for whom structure is important

Cordaan Kastanjehof

The Kastanjehof is a small residential care center in the Amsterdam Oosterparkbuurt. The Kastanjehof is an exceptional house for two reasons: It has 'The Salon', a daycare project where social and cultural activities are offered daily for people of all cultures and nationalities. The other reason that makes the Kastanjehof unique is that there are also elderly people with mental disabilities. It makes the Kastanjehof a vibrant, colorful and multicultural place where everyone can feel at home under the same roof.

Amsta De Admiraal

In Bos en Lommer, at the end of the Ruyterweg Admiral, Admiral is located. Here live 20 young people with intellectual disabilities in different types of housing.

Cordaan Eerste Hugo de Grootstraat

The first Hugo de Grootstraat is a beautiful courtyard with 11 apartments on a communal courtyard. You can live here if you are over 18 years old and you can take care of yourself. 

GGZ inGeest

Every human being is unique. The approach to recovery, too. With that knowledge, GGZ offers inGeest specialized psychiatric care. To young people, adults and the elderly. With an eye for their personal situation and close surroundings. Adapted to body and spirit and according to the latest scientific insights. 

Cordaan Kraaipan

In the district of Oost, on the edge of the Transvaalkade with its beautiful blossoming trees, the Kraaipanschool has been completely restored. In this beautiful historic building, five residential groups have been created for people with dementia.

Amsta Cliënten Service Bureau (CSB)

The Clients Service Bureau (CSB) is the central agency for care at Amsta. Future and existing clients, family, neighbors or referrers, at the CSB can go if they want information and advice about the services Amsta.

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg Centrum West

We are a team of enthusiastic district nurses and caregivers and will be happy to assist you with the care and assistance you need. 

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg Spaarndammer- / Zeeheldenbuurt

We are a team of enthusiastic district nurses and caregivers and will be happy to assist you with the care and assistance you need. 

Cordaan Overtoomse Hof

On the Jan Voermanstraat is the Overtoom Hof, a residential area for (young) adults with a mild mental disability. All residents have their own 2-room apartment with private kitchen and bathroom. Each property has its own balcony.

Cordaan Wenckebachweg

On the Wenckebachweg in Oost is a container village with 1000 containers where students live, and there can also be 24 Cordaan residents. You can live here if you are over 18 years old.

Lijn5 Amsterdam Regio

Line5 was founded in 2008 specializes in youth care for children and young people with and without mild mental disabilities.

Amsterdam Stad is also at this location, information avalible here

CareHouse Kids at Home Amsterdam Zuid

CareHouse offers development-oriented guidance (for developmentald impairments) with its subsidiaries Kids at Home (Children) and Work it Out (young people and young adolescents). 

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg Diemen Centrum

We are a team of enthusiastic district nurses and caregivers and will be happy to assist you with the care and assistance you need. 

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg Balboa/Kortenaer

We are a team of enthusiastic district nurses and caregivers and will be happy to assist you with the care and assistance you need. 

Arkin Jeugd & Gezin

Arkin Youth and Family is a center for child and adolescent psychiatry and addiction with locations in Amsterdam.

Cordaan Banne Centrum

Above our shopping center Banne Centrum is one of our small-scale residential areas, in the middle of a new building. There are four floors each with their own living area. One living group for chronically ill patients with intensive care and three closed living groups for demented people.

De Bascule Rijksstraatweg / PI School The Pioneer

The Bascule is an academic center. We provide psychiatric care to children, young people and families in the Netherlands. 

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg Banne Buiksloot

We are a team of enthusiastic district nurses and caregivers and will be happy to assist you with the care and assistance you need. 

Amsta Overtoom

Right in town, the Overtoom with the Vondelpark as your backyard, is located Overtoom. Here live children, youth and adults with diverse support needs in a pleasant, small and protected environment.

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg Tuindorp / Oostzaan

We provide care to clients from all ages and with different backgrounds. Big affection is with the "vulnerable elder", a target group that we see increasing.

Cordaan De Diem

In the center of Diemen, in a lively, shopping district, is the nursing home De Diem. Die Diem offers specialized care to people who require intensive care or treatment. There is a department for clients with dementia, one for people with intellectual disabilities and a department for people with chronic physical complaints.

Cordaan Olympisch Kwartier

The Olympic Quarter in Amsterdam South is a special location. It is a meeting center for neighborhood residents. Local volunteers organize activities for neighborhood residents.

Cordaan De Foyer

Foyer Forest and Lommer is a home for young adults who want to learn to live independently. There are 33 residents on the first, second and third floors. They simply want to live and work in small steps to achieve that.

CareHouse Kids at Home Amsterdam West

CareHouse offers development-oriented guidance (for developmentald impairments) with its subsidiaries Kids at Home (Children) and Work it Out (young people and young adolescents). 

Cordaan De Gooyer

The Gooyer has 53 one-bedroom apartments for elderly people with a care indication and 32 apartments for people with a mild mental disability. You will get help and support where you need it. 

GGZ inGeest De Nieuwe Valerius

Every human being is unique. The approach to recovery, too. With that knowledge, GGZ offers inGeest specialized psychiatric care. To young people, adults and the elderly. With an eye for their personal situation and close surroundings. Adapted to body and spirit and according to the latest scientific insights. 

Voorzet Vestiging Amsterdam

We support people with an autism spectrum disorder in all areas of life, in improving their overall functioning.

Cordaan Misafirhane

The Hudsonhof is a multicultural meeting place in De Baarsjes, just behind Mercator Square. Here you are welcome to Misafirhane, a day care special for Turkish men and women.

Polikliniek Dr. Leo Kannerhuis Amsterdam

The Dr. Leo Kannerhuis has an outpatient clinic in Amsterdam with four treatment teams: two adult teams, a youth team and a PGA team (Psychiatric Family Treatment at Autism). Children, adolescents and adults with autism from the region can:                                                

  • Outpatient care 
  • Diagnostics, consultation and advice 
  • Group treatment and training
Amsta Czaar Peterpunt

In the center of Amsterdam, at the head of the Czar Peter Street, is located Czar Peter Point established. Here live 24 elderly people with dementia who need nursing home care in small group homes for six people.

Cordaan Wijkteam Thuiszorg IJssel- / Rijnbuurt

We are a team of enthusiastic district nurses and caregivers and will be happy to assist you with the care and assistance you need. 

MEE Amstel en Zaan

MEE Amstel en Zaan, experts (independent) client support in living with a disability. We work with you whatever it takes to help you further yourself.


Amsta is the healthcare provider in Amsterdam for the elderly, individuals with a learning disability, and any other Amsterdam who has a need for a helping hand.

Cordaan De Werf

De Werf is a small residential area in Amsterdam North for people with intellectual disabilities. The houses are in different streets. In each house live 4 to 8 residents, each home has a garden. Most people who live at De Werf need specialized guidance. Here you will read what De Werf has to offer you.

Cordaan Ketelhuisplein

The Ketelhuisplein is a location in West where you can live in one of our residential areas. Guided tours are available 24 hours a day. In the immediate vicinity of the Ketelhuisplein are 3 residential groups and 4 individual homes.

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