Polikliniek Dr. Leo Kannerhuis Amsterdam
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The Dr. Leo Kannerhuis has an outpatient clinic in Amsterdam with four treatment teams: two adult teams, a youth team and a PGA team (Psychiatric Family Treatment at Autism). Children, adolescents and adults with autism from the region can:                                                

  • Outpatient care 
  • Diagnostics, consultation and advice 
  • Group treatment and training
Profile Photo
Polikliniek Dr. Leo Kannerhuis Amsterdam
Derkinderenstraat 10-18 1062 DB Amsterdam
020 697 80 22

The Dr. Leo Kannerhuis has an outpatient clinic in Amsterdam with four treatment teams: two adult teams, a youth team and a PGA team (Psychiatric Family Treatment at Autism). Children, adolescents and adults with autism from the region can:                                                

  • Outpatient care 
  • Diagnostics, consultation and advice 
  • Group treatment and training
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