Navigating Chronic Pain & Mental Health through a Social Work Lens
Navigating Chronic Pain & Mental Health through a Social Work Lens
Friday, November 12, 2021 at 10 AM - 1:15 PM EST

This online workshop sponsored by the Broadmoor Improvement Association, and presented by Kaley Brand and Andrew Hancock-Shaw, is a comprehensive review of working with individuals experiencing chronic pain and the impact on one’s mental health. Unfortunately, individuals with chronic pain often suffer silently due to the stigma experienced within our society and the medical model. As helping professionals, we must be prepared to provide the most appropriate care to individuals with chronic pain and complex medical concerns. The presenters will discuss specific intervention models to best serve this clinically marginalized population, utilizing specific case examples.

The event Zoom link will be distributed 48 hours before the event begins. This workshop is approved for 3 clinical hours for Social Workers by the Louisiana State Board of Social Work Examiners and is pending approval for 3 general requirement clock hours for LPCs and PLPCs by the Louisiana Counseling Association.
