Mental Health First Aid Basic Training - Saint John, NB
Mental Health First Aid Basic Training - Saint John, NB
September 12, 2019  —  September 13, 2019
Sep 12, 2019 at 9 AM to Sep 13, 2019 at 4:30 PM ADT

One in three Canadians will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime.

Will YOU know how to help?


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Basic Training is an evidence-based program of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and was developed to help people provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. This course aims to improve mental health literacy and teaches participants how to recognize early warning signs that a friend, family member or colleague may be struggling with a mental health issue, as well as intervention strategies for mental health crisis situations. This interactive course is provided in a supportive group learning environment. Practical skills are taught using a model that is easy to remember and apply in real-life settings. Topics include the four most common mental illnesses: substance-related, mood, anxiety and trauma-related and psychotic disorders. Participants who take this course are well prepared to interact confidently about mental health with their family, friends, communities and workplaces.

Arpeggio Healh Services has many mental health training opportunities available the coming months throughout Atlantic Canada. For a complete list and detailed course descriptions, please visit


Mental Health First Aid Basic Training (12 hours)

Thursday & Friday, September 12 & 13, 2019

9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. both days

Holiday Inn Express & Suites | W. A. Murphy Room

400 Main Street | Saint John, NB

Instructor: Elizabeth Eldridge

Registration deadline: Thursday, September 5 or when all 25 seats fill

Course fee: $199.00 per person + 15% HST = $228.85 TOTAL



Notice given 10+ days prior to course – Full refund
Notice given 7- 9 days prior to course – 50% refund
Notice given less than 7 days prior to course start date/no advance notice given – NO REFUND

No exceptions are made to our cancellation policy for any reason. If you opt to cancel your seat the cancellation policy will be enforced as described, and should you choose to enrol in a future training session no credit or discount will apply to the registration rate for that session.

In the unlikely event that the minimum required number of participants is not reached, the session will be postponed. You will be notified via email at least one week prior to the intended course start date, at which time you may choose to receive a refund or to apply the registration fee to a future course.

By proceeding with registration, you are indicating your acknowledgement and agreement to the Cancellation Policy outlined above and understand that no exceptions to the policy will be made for any reason.



Who should take this training? 
Health service providers, emergency workers, parents, teachers, students, employers, special care home workers, community groups, human resources professionals, and members of the general public. Anyone and everyone can benefit from knowing what to do when someone is showing signs of mental distress. No prior experience or training is necessary.

Where and when can I take this training? 
Arpeggio is proud to offer a variety of mental health education opportunities at regular intervals throughout the Maritimes. Arrangements can also be made to offer a course specifically for your organization. If your workplace or community agency is interested in hosting a course, please contact for a quote.

Will I get a certificate after completing the training?
Yes, participants who attend the training in its entirety and fulfill the course requirements will be issued an official certificate. Mental Health First Aid is an internationally-recognized certification. Certificates are issued directly by the Mental Health Commission of Canada following the session.

What's included with my registration?
Registration for this two day session includes a take-home Mental Health First Aid course manual, official certificate and light refreshments (coffee/tea and muffins) on each of the two days. Lunch (60 minutes) will be on your own.

How do I register? 
You can complete registration via EventBrite, or find further details and online registration on our website at Participants should consider themselves to be officially registered once payment has been submitted. Space is limited, so register today!

I've registered... Now what? 
Please ensure you have taken note of the date(s), time(s), location and all other details relevant to the session for which you've registered. Participants will also receive a reminder email a few days prior to the session. If you have any questions in the meantime, please direct them to [email protected]. We look forward to learning with you!
