Zoom Across the Spectrum - Autism Parent Support Group
Zoom Across the Spectrum - Autism Parent Support Group
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 7 PM - 8:30 PM EDT

Many parents are looking for more specific guidance in raising kids on the spectrum. Our weekly support group is moving to monthly where we'll host a specific topic, and then parents can have discussion about the topic, or to share concerns or support on any topic of your choice. Please let us know if there are areas where you feel you need more support or information. Here's our calendar until December.

September 1st - 5 Tips to Setting Up a Homeschooling Program

​October 6th - How Do You Know Your School Believes in Inclusion?

November 3rd - 5 Steps to Prepare for Your Online IEP Meeting

December 1st - Understanding McKay and Gardiner Scholarships
