Townhall for Wheel-Trans Users
Townhall for Wheel-Trans Users
Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 2 PM - 4 PM EDT

Under the “Family of Services” program, thousands of Wheel-Trans users will lose full access and be forced to take conventional TTC service (bus, subway, streetcar).

RSVP now to the community townhall for Wheel-Trans users to learn more, share how this will affect you, and get involved.

Wednesday, August 4 from 2pm-4pm on Zoom. ASL interpretation and closed captioning available.

Event format: 25 minute presentation followed by breakout discussion groups to share your stories about how the screening out will impact you and make plans to take action. Then breakout groups will report back at the end of the event.

Organized by TTCriders, Centre for Independent Living in Toronto, Inc. and Toronto Seniors Forum.
