Supporting Primary aged pupils Downs Syndrome classroom (Literacy focus)
Supporting Primary aged pupils Downs Syndrome classroom (Literacy focus)
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 10 AM - 11 AM EDT

A guide to supporting pupils with Downs Syndrome in relation to developing their literacy skills. This session will focus on how to support the unique learning profile of a pupil with Downs Syndrome. The aim is to equip you with lesson ideas, strategies and inform you of useful resources. Please note that this training is suitable for teachers and teaching assistants as the content is curriculum focused and composed with a classroom environment in mind. This course is a repeat session first held March 2021

Salford Learning Support Service are running a series of webinars designed for individuals looking to develop their knowledge on a range of topics within the area of Special Educational Needs and Disability.


Attendance at these webinars is open to all, and these are free of charge to Salford schools and professionals. However, if you are attending from a school or setting from a different local authority there will be charge of £40. This will be invoiced by Salford City Council after the event.


If you are unable to attend a session for any reason, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible, but at least 5 working days before. There will be a charge of £40 if you book on the session and fail to attend.
