Professional Development: Concentration in Deaf-Blindness - Course 3: Assessment and Instructional Planning for Learners who are Deaf-Blind
Professional Development: Concentration in Deaf-Blindness - Course 3: Assessment and Instructional Planning for Learners who are Deaf-Blind
Tuesday, August 24, 2021 at 6 PM - 8 PM CDT

Course 3: Assessment and Instructional Planning for Learners who are Deaf-Blind

*Participants wishing to access this course should have had foundational training in deaf-blindness such as Course 1: An Introduction to Deaf-Blindness, NCDB Open Hands Open Access Modules 1-4, or comparable training through your state deaf-blind project. Participants will be asked to provide documentation of training completed after enrollment.

The course includes an overview of assessment strategies, assessment instruments, and the development of specific and measurable IEP goals based on authentic assessment data. In addition, the course includes content from the following Open Hands, Open Access modules: Availability for Learning, Routines for Participation and Learning, Behavior and Environmental Supports, and Introduction to Orientation and Mobility.
