Located at the University of Southern California Andrus Gerontology Center, NRCSHHM promotes aging in place, independent living, for frail elderly and disability, with home modification and supportive housing, for successful aging, long-term care, and elder-friendly communities. Through home modification research, policy analysis, training, education, technical assistance to promote home modification to adapting environment, independent living, with handrails, lever door handles, grab bars, hand-held shower.
Located at the University of Southern California Andrus Gerontology Center, NRCSHHM promotes aging in place, independent living, for frail elderly and disability, with home modification and supportive housing, for successful aging, long-term care, and elder-friendly communities. Through home modification research, policy analysis, training, education, technical assistance to promote home modification to adapting environment, independent living, with handrails, lever door handles, grab bars, hand-held shower.