DFKDC x DMC Cooking Cinic: Strawberry Pie
DFKDC x DMC Cooking Cinic: Strawberry Pie
Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM EDT

We are delighted to partner with DMC Youth Connect, a California based youth group created by the Dayle McIntosh Center (DMC), for this virtual cooking clinic. DFKDC Executive Director, Glenda Fu, and Programs Manager, Moya Chang will be teaching Georgia Green's infamous delicious strawberry pie. Special thanks to Patrick Green and Georgia Green for allowing us to teach their infamous Strawberry Pie recipe.

What: Dreams For Kids DC has set up a virtual cooking clinic for individuals with physical and developmental disabilities and their parents/guardians. This clinic will focus on basic cooking skills. You will be making strawberry pie. No previous cooking experience necessary, but we DO ask that parents/guardians be close by to assist their children. Glenda will break down the steps to make it accessible for a beginner cook! Once you register, you will be emailed a shopping list, equipment list, and recipe so you can have everything ready when the clinic begins.

When: Saturday, July 10, 2021 from 4:30-6:30 PM EST // 1:30-3:30 PM PST

Where: Online via Zoom (You will receive the zoom link a few days before the clinic)

Who: Participants with physical and developmental disabilities of all ages welcome and we also invite their family members to attend as well! We also invite DFKDC volunteers and friends to join us online to make this a truly inclusive session. Please read about all of our new digital programming (in light of COVID-19) here:

Dreams For Kids DC programs are 100% free and give children with disabilities to sports and other activities, helping them realize their full potential to succeed in all walks of life.
