DFKDC Digital Art with Glenda
DFKDC Digital Art with Glenda
Sunday, September 26, 2021 at 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EDT

Join Dreams For Kids DC and our Executive Director Glenda for a creative afternoon of drawing. This clinic will feature a basic art lesson.

What: Dreams For Kids DC has set up a virtual art clinic for youth with physical and developmental disabilities. This clinic will focus on basic drawing skills. All you need is a pencil, eraser, colored pencils, and paper. We will be drawing dinosaurs. No previous drawing experience necessary. Glenda will breakdown the steps to make it easy for a beginner!

When: Sunday, September 26th from 1:30 - 2:30PM EST

Where: Online via Zoom (You will receive the zoom conference link a few days before the clinic)

Who: Participants with physical and developmental disabilities aged 4 - 24, we also invite their siblings to attend as well! We also invite DFKDC volunteers and friends to join us online to make this a truly inclusive session. Please read about all of our new digital programming (in light of COVID-19) here:
