Pakistan Deaf Sports Council
Pakistan Deaf Sports Council
House # 240 Y Paposh Nagar Nazimabad 5 Karachi
International Committee of Sports for the Deaf
Afghanistan Sports Council of the Deaf
Federation Sportive des Sourds d'Algerie
Confederación Argentina Deportiva de Sordos
Armenian Sports Committee of the Deaf
Deaf Sports Australia
Österreichischer Gehörlosen Sportverband (OGSV)
Azerbaijan Deaf Sports Federation
Bahrain Deaf Sport Club
Bangladesh Deaf Sports Federation
Belarusian Sport Federation of the Deaf
Belgian Deaf Sport Committee
Federacion de Deportes Bolivianos de Sordos
Association of Deaf Sportsmen in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana Deaf Sports Federation
Confederação Brasileira De Desportos De Surdos (CBDS)
Bulgarian Deaf Sports Federation
Cameroon Federation of Sports for the Deaf
Canadian Deaf Sports Association
Federación Deportiva Nacional de Sordos de Chile
China Sports Association for the Deaf / China Disabled Persons' Federation
Chinese Taipei Sports Association of the Deaf
Federacion Colombiana Deportiva de Sordos
Cote d'Ivoire Deaf Sports Federation
Croatian Deaf Sports Association
National Association of Sports and Recreation for the Deaf
Cyprus Deaf Sport Federation
Czech Federation Deaf Athletes
Dansk Døve-Idrætsforbund (Danish Deaf Sports Federation)
Federación Ecuatoriana de Deporte para Personas Sordas (FEDEPDAL)
Egyptian Deaf Sports Committee
Estonian Deaf Sport Union
Deaf Sports Association of Fiji
Finnish Athletic Association of the Deaf
National Sports Federation of the Deaf of Macedonia
Comité de Coordination des Sportifs Sourds de France
Georgian Sports Association of the Deaf and hearing impaired
Deutscher Gehorlosen-Sportverband
Ghana Deaf Sports Federation
UK Deaf Sport
Hellenic Sports Federation of the Deaf
Federation Guineenne des Sports des Sourds
Hong Kong Sports Association of the Deaf
Magyar Hallássérültek Sportszövetsége (Hungarian Deaf Sport Federation)
Iceland Deaf Sport Organization
All India Sports Council of the Deaf
Indonesian Sports Association of the Deaf
I. R. Iran Deaf Sports Federation
Iraq Deaf Sports Federation
Deaf Sports Ireland (DSI)
Israel Deaf Sports Organization
Federazione Sport Sordi Italia
Deaf Sports Jamaica
Japan Deaf Sports Federation
Deaflympic Kazakhstan
Kenya Sports Federation of the Deaf
Korea Deaf Sports Federation
Kuwait Sports Club for the Deaf
Organization of Sports Movement of Deaf Persons
Latvijas Nedzirdïgo Sporta Federäcija
Libyan Federation of Sports for Deaf
Lithuanian Deaf Sport Committee (LKSK)
Macau Sports Association of the Deaf
Malaysian Deaf Sports Association
Federation des Sports desf Sourds du Mali
Malta Deaf Sports Association
The Aurally Handicapped Persons Sports Federation (Mauritius)
Federación Mexicana de Deportes para Sordos, A. C.
Federatia Sportiva a Surzilor din Moldova
Mongolian Committee of Deaf Sports
Koninklijke Nederlandse Doven Sport Bond (KNDSB)
Deaf Sports New Zealand
Nigeria Deaf Sports Federation
Norges Døveidrettsutvalg (NDI) / Norwegian Deaf Sports Committee
Pakistan Deaf Sports Council
Organización Deportiva de Sordos del Peru
Phil Sports Federation of the Deaf
Polski Związek Sportu Niesłyszących
Liga Portuguesa de Desportos para Surdos
Asociatia Surzilor din Romania
Сурдлимпийский Комитет России / Russian Committee of Deaf Sports
Saudi Deaf Sport Federation (SDSF)
Association des Sports des Sourds du Sénégal
Sportski Savez Gluvih Srbije
Sierra Leone Deaf Sports Federation
Deaf Sports Association Singapore
Deaflympic Committee of Slovakia
Športne zveze gluhih Slovenije
South African Deaf Sports Federation
Federación Española de Deportes para Sordos (FEDS)
Swaziland Association of Sports of the Deaf
Svenska Dövidrottsförbundet (Swedish Deaf Sports Federation)
Svenska Dövidrottsförbundet - Örebrokansliet
Schweizerischer Gehörlosen Sportverband SGSV-FSSS
Tanzania Federation of Sports for the Deaf
The Deaf Sports Association of Thailand
Fédération Tunisienne des Sports pour Handicapés (FTSH)
Türkiye İşitme Engelliler Spor Federasyonu
Uganda Deaf Sports Federation (UDSF)
Ukraine Deaf Sports Federation
United Arab Emirates Deaf Sports Committee
USA Deaf Sports Federation (USADSF)
Organizacion Deportiva De Sordos Del Uruguay
Sport Federation of the Deaf of Uzbekistan
Zambia Deaf Sports Federation (ZDSF)
Zimbabwe National Deaf Sport Federation