Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy seeking participants

Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy is seeking participants for their study.

Are you disabled and current receiving either AISH, WCB, Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance Disability Benefits, or are a teacher receiving Extended Disability Benefits through ASEBP? We are seeking participants for a study titled “Mapping the Canadian Work Disability Policy System.”

CENTRE FOR RESEARCH ON WORK DISABILITY POLICY SEEKING PARTICIPANTS  Are you disabled and current receiving either AISH, WCB, Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance Disability Benefits, or are a teacher receiving Extended Disability Benefits through ASEBP? We are seeking participants for a study titled “Mapping the Canadian Work Disability Policy System.” We would like to discuss your experience of accessing benefits and the coverage you receive. Your identity will be protected by anonymizing the data. The information you provide will contribute to a clearer understanding of how work disability benefit systems in both Alberta and British Columbia function together, and identify gaps between them.  We anticipate conducting two hour-long confidential interviews with each participant via phone or Skype. An honorarium will be provided for participation. Dr. Sally Kimpson, RN, PhD, who will be conducting the interviews, is also a disabled woman with personal experience of disability income support.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Dr. Kimpson (see contact information below). She will do her best to answer any questions you have about the study and/or your participation, and will return calls promptly. Email: skimpson@uvic.ca Phone: 1-250-595-7655 (Victoria, BC/collect)  This research study is a joint SFU/UBC project.

Posted 355 weeks ago