Adults with ADHD are very disorganized, do not manage their time well and do not get things done. They are also very forgetful and are often distracted. These neurological problems affect their work and their relationships. This workshop will show therapists how to help their clients with strategies to successfully deal with these problems. Interfering mistaken beliefs will also be discussed.
Participants will understand the neurological problems that impact people with ADHD
Participants will be able to help their clients to learn effective strategies to deal with their neurological problems.
Participants will learn the mistaken beliefs that those with ADHD often have as a result of having this neurological condition.
The method of presentation will be lecture and demonstration.
Susan Pye Brokaw, LMFT is an AD/HD Specialist and the founder of Attention Deficits Support Services and the Adlerian Network. She has done AD/HD training, consulting and counseling for twenty-five years. She is also a founder of the Adler Graduate School and is a Faculty Emeritus. She has published five books on AD/HD. Susan does counseling and psychotherapy at her office in Minnetonka, MN.