Élisabeth Bruyère Residence
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Élisabeth Bruyère Residence is a bilingual, 71-bed long-term care home located in the historic Byward Market area of downtown Ottawa. It is connected to Élisabeth Bruyère Hospital. Élisabeth Bruyère Residence helps its residents reach their physical, social, psychological and spiritual potential by providing personal, nursing, and supportive services. Patients with dementia receive specialized services.

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Élisabeth Bruyère Residence
75 Bruyère Street, Ottawa, On, K1N 5C8
(+1) 613-562-4223

Élisabeth Bruyère Residence is a bilingual, 71-bed long-term care home located in the historic Byward Market area of downtown Ottawa. It is connected to Élisabeth Bruyère Hospital. Élisabeth Bruyère Residence helps its residents reach their physical, social, psychological and spiritual potential by providing personal, nursing, and supportive services. Patients with dementia receive specialized services.

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