How to Provoke and Aggravate Your Thoughts

Welcome back! This will be the last post concerning SPD/CD (for now anyways), from here we will move on to another topic, and I already have one in mind. If it pans out, i.e the article I am using as a citation does not disappear halfway through the investigation, my computer continues to work (I had a little bit of trouble of late, which accounted for the sluggish rate of posts being uploaded) or, the thumbnail that I thought was a link to an article, was really a link to a video. Technology, it really is a wonderous kind of tool. Makes me wonder why we have not given up on the whole 21st-century living thing and moved to the hills, to live a simple kind of life, considering how much stress it causes me whenever something goes wrong. It also makes me wonder how I could ever live without it, whenever something goes right. (sigh), the problems of living in the modern age.


Architecture Skyscraper Glass Facades Modern Facade

It is an age of both convenience, and inconvenience. Of progress, and regress. Of a bright new world, or the beginnings of the end (the timeline for the last one is in constant flux, it seems).


But let’s get back to finishing this post eh? Last time we left off, the article was about to talk about intervention, asking a deep, thought provoking question that we as a society need to answer: “So what is intervention?” (Sensory Processing Disorder: Signs and How to Cope, paragraph 11). But obviously we’re only interested in only one particular angel of the question. Namely: what is intervention for children with SPD/CD and ASD? (what, you thought for a minute there that I would dive deep into the pool of thought and ideas, and start pulling out thought-provoking answers to such a perplexing question only somewhat related to ASD? Not a chance).


Will, according to this particular article, occupational therapists reportedly work with the kids, rather than against (thats the teachers job) in, as the article states, a sensory-rich environment. The only environment with natural resources that oil tycoons are not heck-bent for leather on exploiting. The activities there are supposed to be fun, challenging and tailored to the child's individual needs. What's more, there is a cornucopia of sensory opportunities for the child to partake in, things like: swinging, spinning and visual along with the usual sensory gang (not sure if swinging and spinning are considered sensory, unless the child likes the sense of nausea, hitting the ground after taking a flying leap from the swing, or all of the above).


Trees Away Nature Eddy Turn Dizzy Fall Over

Look deeeep into this picture, do you feel it, the feeling of your very environment starting to tumble and twirl everywhere, your lunch fighting to escape the confines of your stomach? Your welcome.


Why would the occupational therapist subject themselves...I mean your child, through so much chaos? They have a very specific goal in mind: to help your child “develop a greater tolerance to the world around him, learn to advocate for herself and meet his or her needs in an appropriate way” (Sensory Processing Disorder: Signs and How to Cope, paragraph 12), not necessarily in that order. In short, to cultivate a healthy-dose of self-esteem and independence over their lifetimes, all the while appreciating their own quirks. And that, to me at least, seems to be a worthy goal indeed.


WIll, that does it for this week's post. Sorry for the lack of posts last week but things have gotten really busy on my end. So many balls to juggle that I suddenly feel like a circus clown. No, not a clown like the Joker, or the one from IT, though that would be very cool, than we’d all float down there, putting a smile on our faces. Until next week, this continues to be, the Audacious Aspie.           


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Posted 323 weeks ago