ERDCO Seeks New Board Members

The Ethno-Racial Disability Coalition of Ontario (ERDCO) Board of Directors meets once monthly. The meetings take place via conference call.

If you have experience in governance, event planning, fundraising, social media communication, advocacy, accessibility and disability justice, ERDCO wants you to join their board and help shape the future. If you have limited experience but you have time and passion for social justice, join us and learn how to lead a grassroots organization.
Send a one page bio to: [email protected] with a statement of interest. Include your name, phone number, email and tell us about you and why you want to be a board member.

ERDCO's Annual General Meeting for 2018 (AGM) will be held on March 31, 2018 from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm, at the Northern District Public Library, 40 Orchard View Boulevard, Toronto

Posted 358 weeks ago