Jesus and The Margins: How Disability Intersects with Poverty and Race
Jesus and The Margins: How Disability Intersects with Poverty and Race
Saturday, August 4, 2018 at 10 AM - 12 PM EDT

Why does the banquet parable of Luke 14 include "the poor" with "the crippled, the lame, and the blind"? Why are certain racial groups disproportionately affected by disability? How can the church follow Christ to these margins?On August 4th church leaders and members in the Columbus area will gather together to consider these and other key questions surrounding the intersection of disability, race, and poverty.

Sanctuary Columbus Church will be hosting this 2 hour seminar. Presenters include: Tom Stolle, CFO of the Baptist Convetion of Maryland Delaware and father of a child with severe autism; Michael Crawford, Lead Pastor of Freedom Church Baltimore and Director of Missions for the Baptist Convention of Maryland Delaware; and Amberle Brown, Co-Founder of the The Banquet Network.

We pray that you will join us for a time to consider the margins of disability, race, and poverty. This seminar is for both the interested and the experienced. Whether or not you have specific personal or ministry experience with any of these three sectors we hope that you will attend.

Any further questions can be directed to [email protected]
