OD Vigil / Protesting Maine and Municipal Policies Killing PWUD
OD Vigil / Protesting Maine and Municipal Policies Killing PWUD
Friday, August 30, 2019 at 12 PM - 2 PM EDT

Please join us on this year's International Overdose Awareness Day to remember the lives of those lost to preventable drug poisoning, and to protest the do-nothing attitude being embraced by Portland City Council and such Maine legislators as Rep. Patty Hymanson. This event had the potential to turn into a more hopeful event- a solemn remembrance of our friends and family killed by the state, followed by a celebration of the city of Portland's and the state of Maine's progress. But instead we've had little movement and mostly just tokenization and further stigma... So the OD Vigil will be followed by a protest against state and municipal policies that are killing People Who Use Drugs (PWUD), such as imprisonment, institutionalization, systematic deprivation of healthcare, underprovision of naloxone nand the s
